New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday said that CM’s official residence should be opened for public to see so that the truth comes out. He was reacting to the controversy revolving around Sheesh Mahal, during an exclusive interview with TV9 Network.
Kejriwal added, “They (BJP) say that the toilets in that house are made of gold. It has a bar, a swimming pool; where is it, after all? We have built swimming pools in Delhi schools, not in my house.” The AAP national convenor said that the BJP shouldn’t spread blatant lies about the Sheesh Mahal. The former Delhi CM said just like the alleged liquor scam, the Sheesh Mahal controversy is also made-up and false. However, he pointed out that government residence is important for proper functioning.
“The government accommodation that I have taken is necessary for work, there is a camp office where cabinet meetings are held, we meet the public, we have meetings with officials; If I use convenience for work, what harm is there in that?” he asked.
‘BJP hasn’t been able to provide 24-hr power in many states’
Slamming the saffron party, Kejriwal said, “BJP is in power in so many states but they have not been able to provide 24-hour electricity anywhere. We have the cheapest electricity here (in Delhi), up to 200 units of electricity is free and if we use 400 units of electricity, it costs Rs 800. Our second success is education, we have made government schools excellent.”
On BJP’s allegations of corruption, Kejriwal said, “They have made many allegations against us. If we had earned money, then why would we ask for donations to contest elections. Why would Atishi (Delhi CM) fight elections by asking for donations from people. BJP has thrown so much mud on us but their mud did not stick to us. If the public had called me corrupt, they would have said it on my face. But the reality is that women hugged me and cried. People know that we have been harassed. Hardly anyone in the country has been harassed so much.”
‘Does BJP believe that Punjabis are terrorists?’
In response to a question related to Punjab and its people, Kejriwal said that BJP hates Punjabis. “Does BJP believe that Punjabis are terrorists? They are saying that vehicles from Punjab are roaming around in Delhi. What is in those vehicles? Do they perceive a threat from them?”
People say that Kejriwal has changed a lot?
When pointed out that people say that Kejriwal has changed a lot, Kejriwal said, “Elections should be fought on issues. People are not concerned with the price of my jacket and pants. People see what work we have done. I tell people what work I have done and what I will do in future.”
Delhi CM Atishi, former Deputy CM Manish Sisodia, MP Raghav Chadha and Saurabh Bhardwaj also answered questions during the special interview of ‘Arvind Army’.