New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah launched a strong critique of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Saturday, calling it an “AAPda” (disaster) and identifying it as the main hindrance to Delhi’s progress. Speaking at the BJP’s “Slum Dwellers” conference in New Delhi, Shah said that the party had compiled a list of the people’s needs and handed it over to senior leaders JP Nadda and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
He said that, if the BJP won, it would tackle these issues head-on. He also said that the party’s manifesto would be a reflection of the people’s desires and would focus on practical solutions, as opposed to the empty promises he attributed to the AAP’s agenda.
Shah targets Kejriwal’s betrayal
Shah urged the slum residents to take a stand. He encouraged them to become “muktidatas” (liberators) of Delhi, with the goal of freeing the city from the “AAPda” on February 5, the date of the upcoming elections. He took aim at AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal, accusing him of betraying the people of Delhi. Shah said that February 5 would mark a day of relief from the “AAPda” and criticised Kejriwal for launching an anti-corruption movement only to later oversee corruption within his own party.
The BJP leader further highlighted several issues plaguing the capital, such as poorly maintained roads, air pollution and the contaminated Yamuna River. He also pointed out that over 5.25 lakh students in Delhi still lacked access to schools, questioning Kejriwal’s performance over the past decade. Shah said that if Kejriwal could not serve the people, he should step down from office.
BJP promises housing reform
Shah contrasted the BJP’s governance with AAP and listed many key achievements under Prime Minister Modi, including infrastructure projects worth Rs 68,000 crore in Delhi. He said that the BJP had been instrumental in providing homes to 3.58 crore people across the nation, while Kejriwal’s government had failed to address the needs of Delhi’s slum residents. Shah said that, if elected, the BJP would ensure every slum dweller received a permanent “pakka” house. As the countdown to the February 5 elections begins, tensions between the ruling AAP and the opposition BJP continue to escalate.