New Delhi: Delhi-based cafe owner Puneet Khurana, 40, who died by suicide, recorded a video hours before his death. In the video, Puneet accused his wife and in-laws of subjecting him to mental torture and making unreasonable demands that drove him to take the extreme step. The incident occurred in the Model Town area of Delhi. Puneet left behind a series of video recordings detailing his ordeal.
Puneet detailed how the divorce proceedings, started through mutual consent, had turned into a bitter dispute with his wife and in-laws. He claimed that he was burdened with financially demanding requests, including an additional payment of Rs 10 lakh, which he was unaffordable for him.
In the video, Puneet said that he was about to take his own life because he was being extremely tortured by his in-laws and his wife. “We have already filed for mutual divorce on certain terms and conditions. Obviously, when it comes to mutual divorce we have signed some conditions in court. We have to fulfil those conditions within the period of 180 days. However, my in-laws and my wife are pressuring me with new conditions which are beyond my ability.” He claimed that they were asking for another Rs 10 lakh which he didn’t have the capacity to pay. He said he cannot ask his parents “as they already have paid enough”.
Puneet’s family level accusations
Puneet’s family has accused his wife, and her sister and parents, of repeated mental torture. Puneet’s sister stated that the abuse went beyond financial pressures, extending to emotional manipulation. She alleged that Puneet’s wife had hacked into his social media accounts and subjected him to harassment through various channels. “She, her sister, and her parents mentally tortured and harassed him. There is a video recording of around 59 minutes, in which Puneet has mentioned details of harassment he faced,” the sister said.
Puneet’s mother said that her son endured his suffering in silence, concealing his troubles to protect his family from additional distress. “She (Puneet’s wife) would continuously torment him… I want justice for him,” his mother said.
On December 30, Puneet reportedly had a heated exchange of words with his wife. The recorded call, now with the police, revealed intense arguments over property and their jointly owned bakery business, ‘For God’s Cake.’