New Delhi: After Uttar Pradesh, now name plate with details like phone number and cart number have cropped up on carts if all street vendors in the Najafgarh vegetable market in Delhi. Recently, a video has surfaced in which a person claims that the local councillor of Najafgarh, Amit Kharkhari, has got the name plates installed on all the street vendors’ carts which will lead to better quality goods being delivered to buyers.
In the video, the person can be heard saying, “Friends, we had come to Najafgarh vegetable market. A new system has been imposed here. A system of good governance has been launched by Amit Kharkhari, our local municipal councillor and chairman of Najafgarh MCD zone. The name, contact number and cart number is written on the name plates. People can easily find the details of the seller. In case, there are any issues like poor quality or adulterated products being sold, complaints can be raised using these details. We thank Amit Kharkhari ji for this facility.”
Move to spot ‘illegal Bangladeshis or Rohingyas’
Amit Kharkhari is a BJP councillor and is also the chairman of Najafgarh MCD zone. Kharkhari said that there were reports that some illegal Bangladeshis or Rohingyas were selling vegetables and fruits in the market by hiding their identity. “Therefore, we met the market management and asked for everyone’s papers and took this step,” he added.