New Delhi: In a remarkable turn of events in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur, two women, Kavita and Gunja (also known as Bablu), have left their abusive alcoholic husbands and tied the knot with each other. The wedding took place on Thursday evening at the Shiva Temple in Deoria. The women first met on Instagram. They share with each other experiences of domestic violence at the hands of their husbands.
Kavita and Gunja revealed that their marriages had been marked by constant abuse due to their husbands’ alcoholism. Both women endured physical and emotional torment, with one of them having four children. She decided to leave her husband after suffering repeated violence. The other woman was falsely accused of infidelity by her husband, who also had a drinking problem, which ultimately led her to sever ties with him.
The women have decided to live in Gorakhpur as a couple
“We were tormented by our husbands’ drinking and abusive behaviour. This pushed us to choose a life of peace and love. We have decided to live in Gorakhpur as a couple and work to sustain ourselves,” Gunja told reporters after their ceremony.
At the temple, Gunja took on the role of the groom, applying vermillion (sindoor) to Kavita’s forehead, exchanging garlands, and completing the seven vows (pheras). The ceremony, attended by several onlookers, became a talking point in the region. Despite facing a difficult future, including not having a permanent home, the couple expressed their determination to live together peacefully. They plan to rent a room in Gorakhpur.
They completed the rituals and left
Uma Shankar Pandey, the temple priest who conducted the ceremony, confirmed that the women had bought garlands and sindoor for the rituals. “They completed quietly and left together,” he said.
In a related incident, another woman from Raebareli was arrested after allegedly strangling her alcoholic husband to death in September last year. The woman, Bimla Devi, claimed that she killed her husband, Narsingh Yadav, due to years of abuse and the sale of a pair of anklets gifted to her by her parents.