New Delhi: A man in Firozabad district of Uttar Pradesh has finally got his property back after fighting legal challenges and bureaucratic red tapes. The man named Hemant Jain had purchased the property, once belonging to Dawood Ibrahim, in auction 23 years back.
However even after securing the legal ownership of 144-square-foot shop, Hemant has still not got possession of the property as it is being under the occupation of Dawood’s henchmen.
Years of Legal Wrangling
Initially after purchasing the property for Rs 2 lakh in government controlled auction in 2001, the income tax department put the process on hold complicating the ownership procedure, said a report in India Today.
Jain claimed that he had written multiple letter to Prime Minister’s Office and also received replies of some of them. However, registration formalities could not be completed due to missing files at the I-T department office.
Jain says the market value of the land as of today is more than Rs 23 lakh. Later, a case was filed by Jain in Mumbai court asking that the property be registered in his name since he bought it in the government auction.
Mumbai court comes to Hemant’s rescue
The court took cognisance of the petition and ordered that the property be transferred to Jain’s name. The process for registration was completed on December 19, 2024. Jain paid Rs 1.5 lakh in stamp duty.
Now, Jain’s problem is that the property is grabbed by other people who are unwilling to vacate. Jain is now asking local officials seeking help to get the possession of the shop. The man claims that people occupying are Dawood’s men who are running business from the shop.