New Delhi: Days after the Aam Admi Party (AAP) launched Sanatan Sewa Samiti, the party named the members of the newly formed committee on Monday. Announcing the list, the party said that Sanjay Sharma has been appointed as the president of the committee, while Ghanendra Bhardwaj has been named as the secretary.
The eight-member committee also included Jitender Sharma (state working president), Sardar Rajinder Singh, (state vice president) Brijesh Sharma (state sangathan mantri), Manish Gupta (state secretary), Sardar Rajinder Singh (Hunny) (state secretary) and Dushyant Sharma (state joint secretary).
AAP trying to attract Hindus: BJP
The BJP on Wednesday slammed the AAP’s formation of the committee as hypocritical and termed the party “electoral Hindus.” The opposition party in Delhi said that while the AAP had been distributing salaries to Imams for the last 10 years, it is now trying to attract Hindus due to the polling in Delhi.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) appoints office bearers for its newly formed ‘Sanatan Sewa Samitis’
— ANI (@ANI) January 10, 2025
The move came days after Arvind Kejriwal promised Rs 18,000 per month to temple priests and granthis if his government is re-elected in Delhi. The scheme was announced recently as part of the party’s pre-poll guarantees, ahead of the February 5 elections.
AAP has started registering eligible priests
The initiative also promised monthly honorariums to Hindu and Sikh priests serving in temples and gurudwaras. After the announcement, the party started registering eligible priests for the scheme. Earlier this week, the Election Commission announced poll dates in Delhi. While it announced that elections will be held on February 5, results will be announced on January 8.