New Delhi: Gurpreet Bassi Gogi, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA from Ludhiana West passed away under mysterious circumstances on Friday night at his home. The 58-year-old was rushed to Dayanand Medical College and Hospital where doctors declared him dead on arrival. His body has been placed in the mortuary for a post-mortem examination to ascertain the cause of death. Senior police officials reached the hospital late in the night. Gogi is survived by his wife, son, and daughter.
According to reports, Gogi returned to his residence in Ghumar Mandi after attending routine programmes during the day. His wife Dr Sukhchain Kaur Gogi heard a gunshot and rushed to the scene, finding her husband in a pool of blood.
Bullet fired from Gogi’s licensed pistol?
Preliminary reports suggest that the bullet may have been fired from Gogi’s licensed pistol. However, the circumstances leading to the incident remain unclear. Deputy Commissioner of Police Jaskaran Singh Teja said that further investigations are ongoing, and clarity will emerge following the post-mortem report, according to a Times of India report. Meanwhile, family members believe the gunshot was accidental.
Gurpreet Bassi Gogi began his political career as a Municipal Corporation councillor, serving two terms before being elected as the Ludhiana West MLA in 2022. Formerly a district president of the Congress (Urban), Gogi joined AAP ahead of the 2022 Punjab Vidhan Sabha elections, where he defeated Congress veteran Bharat Bhushan Ashu.
Attended Lohri celebrations hours before death
Known for his grassroots connection, Gogi garnered widespread admiration among his supporters. During his campaign for the 2022 elections, he famously filed his nomination riding a scooter gifted by his mother, which he considered his lucky mascot.
Just hours before his death, Gogi attended a Lohri celebration hosted by the Ludhiana Bar Association, along with Vidhan Sabha Speaker Kultar Sandhwan.