New Delhi: Seven people, including a child, were killed and six others injured when a lorry and two autorickshaws collided near Bharat Petrol Pump on Warangal-Mamunuru Road in Warangal, Telangana. According to information received from the police, a lorry loaded with iron rods, used to lay railway tracks, tried to overtake two autorickshaws.
The iron rods fell on the autorickshaws, and seven people died on the spot, including four women and a child. The police admitted the injured to MGM Hospital for treatment and feared that the death toll may rise. The police have started an investigation into the matter.
The accident occurred near Mamunur, on the national highway connecting Khammam and Warangal suburbs, resulting in the death of seven people, with three others critically injured. Police investigations revealed that the driver of the lorry was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.
The drunk truck driver caused the fatal crash in Orugallu, Pottakutti, by speeding and losing control of the vehicle. The lorry overturned after sudden braking, causing iron rods to fall onto an auto traveling nearby. Four people died instantly in the accident.
Upon receiving reports, police, district officials, and municipal corporation representatives rushed to the scene to carry out rescue operations. A heavy crane was used to clear the iron rods from the national highway, and the lorry was also removed from the area.