New Delhi: An apparently heartwarming ‘lost and found’ story has come to light from the ongoing Kumbh Mela in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj, where a family from Jharkhand was seemingly reunited with a missing member after 27 years. The family reported that their loved one, who had been missing for nearly three decades, was found at the Maha Kumbh Mela.
Gangasagar Yadav went missing in 1998
The family claims that Gangasagar Yadav went missing in 1998, and has now become an ‘Aghori’ sadhu, known to the people as Baba Rajkumar. Gangasagar is now 65 years old. Gangasagar suddenly vanished after going to Patna in 1998 and no news about him came family’s way. After his sudden disappearance, his wife Dhanwa Devi took care of their two sons Kamlesh and Vimlesh single-handedly. But, now it has been reported that Gangasagar has been spotted at the Kumbh Mela and is known as Aghori Baba. By adopting the name Rajkumar, he has joined a special sadhu community.
What is the family’s claim?
Murali Yadav, the younger brother of Gangasagar, shared, “We had lost all hope of ever finding our brother again, but recently, one of our relatives spotted a sadhu at the Kumbh Mela who looked like Gangasagar. He took a photo and sent it to us. After seeing the photo, we immediately travelled to the Kumbh Mela and met Baba Rajkumar. However, he completely denied his former identity, claiming to be a sadhu from Varanasi. He insisted, ‘I am a sadhu from Varanasi, and I have no connection to Gangasagar.’ A sadhvi accompanying him also confirmed this.”
DNA test to be done, if required
Despite Baba Rajkumar’s denial, the family remained firm in their conviction. They pointed to distinct marks on the sadhu’s body — wisdom teeth, a mark on his head, and an old scar on his knee — as evidence that this was, in fact, Gangasagar. Gangasagar’s wife, Dhanwa Devi, and his brother, Murali Yadav, have reported the matter to the Kumbh Mela police and requested a DNA test for Baba Rajkumar. Murali Yadav stated, “We will wait until the Kumbh Mela concludes, and if necessary, we will proceed with the DNA test. If our claim is not proven, we will apologise to Baba Rajkumar.”
Some of the family members have returned home. However, some are still staying at the Kumbh Mela and keeping an eye on Baba Rajkumar’s movements. After Gangasagar went missing 27 years ago, his family was devastated. His eldest son was only two years old at that time. Whether this Baba is really Gangasagar or it is a misunderstanding of the family, the truth will now come out through DNA testing.